Basic details and contact

Marta Fariña

Investigador/a postdoctoral
Molecular Sciences
Structure, design and molecular function

Marta Fariña is a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. David Tejedor Aragón's group.

Research Interests

Synthetic methodology, synthesis of molecules with potential pharmacological activity, and domino processes.

  • PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. University of La Laguna (2021).
  • Master's Degree in Chemistry. University of La Laguna (2016).
  • Degree in Chemistry. University of La Laguna (2015).
Professional Experience

Marta Fariña Ramos graduated in Chemistry from the University of La Laguna (ULL) in 2015 and a year later, she obtained her Master's degree in Chemistry from the same university. After this, she started her PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (ULL), under the supervision of Professors Víctor S. Martín and Celina García, at the Antonio González University Institute of Bio-organics. Her research focused on the stereoselective synthesis of cyclic ethers by simultaneous formation of C-C and C-O bonds and its application in the synthesis of natural products. As part of her predoctoral training, Fariña had a short stay at the University of Glasgow (Scotland) in the laboratories of Professor Stephen J. Clark, collaborating in the synthesis of molecules of pharmacological interest. Finally, in 2021 she completed her doctoral thesis with honours and international recognition. Some months later she began her training as a CEI-Canarias Junior Postdoctoral Fellow. During this period her research work focused on the synthesis of chalcones derived with naphthyl-sulphamides as new antitumour drugs, and the development of fluorescent probes.

Research IDs