Eduardo Diez Pombo
Basic details and contact

Eduardo Diez Pombo

Técnico/a especializado/a
Life and Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Heritage and Food

Eduardo Diez Pombo holds a diploma in Social Education from the University of Valladolid (2004), a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Granada (2006), a Master's degree in Visual Anthropology from the University of Barcelona (2008) and a degree in Pedagogy from the National University of Distance Education. UNED (2011). In 2010 he moved to Cuba to study screenwriting and documentary filmmaking at the International Film School of San Antonio de los Baños. 

As a researcher he has made several ethnographic and anthropological documentaries. He collaborated with the Catalan Institute of Anthropology, the Historical Archive of the Ministry of Culture and the Infante de Orleans Foundation to make a film about memory from the perspective of Republican aviation. 

Between 2011 and 2020 he worked as an educator, getting involved in social action projects, using audiovisuals as an educational, didactic and ethnographic tool.

He is currently linked to the IPNA-CSIC with the aim of making a documentary about the phenomenon of the guachinche in Tenerife. He will also carry out research on the reprisals in the village of Buenavista del Norte, filming testimonies of family members and compiling archives.

Eduardo Diez has been recruited under grant RYC2018-024025-I awarded to Eva Parga Dans and funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF "The ESF invests in your future".